Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mobile Web App For Interactive Design

HTML5 to improve the mobile web experience provides many possibilities, interaction effect of getting close to the native App, therefore a Web App, APP function is expected to lead the browser to allow competition in the mobile platform by the platform turned to browser room.

Compared to native App Web App and wap has its own advantages and disadvantages, the first of its characteristics under simple to understand, master design trends, but also for later in the design application.

Off-line storage

Offline storage means is a first visit to the download page, after the case in the absence of network can also be used. An offline application is a URL list-HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, or other types of resources. Access to the server list when detecting cache list, it will trigger the download event, according to the list of specified files to download local.

In short, the interaction can be designed in accordance with the native App of the way, the effect will become increasingly close, the main difference is:

  • 1 to take into account the design of the browser address bar and toolbars occupy space, and its App operation there is a certain impact.
  • 2 system calls are not suited to low-level interface, more suitable for mobile phone web site to do the branch version of the adapter.
  • 3 Due to the limitations of HTML, the details of interaction there are some differences.
  • 4 dynamic efficiency not large-scale application, but Web App Interface operation will be more smooth, the smoothness of the interface jump when moving now, and later there are more dynamic effect to be applied.
  • 5 At this stage the information architecture mixed with the native App and wap way the two architectures.

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